Sep 24

Start empathy automatically when network connection is available

I have noticed that Empathy (the default multi-protocol chat client in Ubuntu 11.04) doesn’t re-login to the accounts after the network is dropped and re-connected. So I wrote the following python script to solve this problem. The script will be using D-bus signals to detect the network connection status.This will make empathy to,


  • connect automatically when network connection is established (even when empathy is not running).
  • re-login to accounts when the network gets dropped and reconnect again(very useful when using wireless connections).



To use this script add it to the startup applications. Command to be given is “python /<path>/<to>/<script>/



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Jul 30

Java Slick sound problems in Linux

My operating system is Ubuntu Linux 11.04 and I am using Java Slick library to build a game in these days. I faced the following error when I tried to load sounds using Music backMus=new Music(“path/to/file”); .

INFO:Initialising sounds..AL lib: oss.c:179: Could not open /dev/dsp: No such file or directoryERROR:Sound initialisation failure.ERROR:Could not locate OpenAL library. org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Could not locate OpenAL library.

Searched everywhere for hours to find a solution for this and tried many guides which were written to solve this problem, but none of them were a success. Finally I got to know that this error is caused because Slick library uses a very old version of LWJGL (Light Weight Java Gaming Library). If you too are having this same problem use the following guidelines to rectify it.

  • Download the latest version of LWJGL from the file named
  • Extract the downloaded file.
  • Copy the libraries that you are using from the jar folder in the extracted directory to your games Slick library folder. (Confirm file overwrites).
  • Copy the relevant native files from the native folder to your games Slick natives folder. (Confirm file overwrites).
  • Now reload the libraries in your IDE-if you are using any (For an example,in Net Beans remove all the slick libraries and add them again).

Now the game will play the sounds smoothly…!


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Jun 03

How to put Conky under the windows?

Some of you may have experienced the problem of Conky being over the windows when the machine starts. So you have to manually restart Conky using killall conky; conky . But this can be easily avoided by editing the .conkyrc file. All you have to do is to set the “own_window_type” option to “normal”. Then Conky will appear under the windows when the OS restarts.

Happy Conkying….!

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