Jan 18

Create custom error pages in cPanel

As we know, when we connect to a web server, if some error occurs, the server will show us some error message. As an example if the web page we are requesting is not available in the server it will generate a 404-page not found error. But as you have noticed, in most cases this error page is just a simple page which most probably has a white background with some simple text formatting. But do you know that you can customize those error pages as you like? Give it a theme( as an example, the theme of the webs site it self)? In this article I’m going to show you how to customize these error pages in a web server where you have access to cPanel. There are two methods to do this.

1st method:

Log in to cPanel. Then go to Advanced → Error pages . There you will find a list of various error pages that cPanel currently has. Click on any one of them and you will be directed to a page where you can customize the page using usual html syntaxes .

2nd method:

If you want to replace the error page with a page that you have already designed, the easiest way to do so is to upload it to the server and replace the relevant file. The relevant files for the error pages can be found in the public_html folder. These files have the .shtml extension. So make sure that you rename the .html file that you are uploading to the .shtml extension. Here are some names of the error pages.

  • 400.shtml : Bad request
  • 401.shtml : Authentication required
  • 403.shtml : Forbidden
  • 404.shtml : Page not found
  • 500.shtml : Internal server error

You will be able to find an example customized 404 page in http://ishans.info/wrongURL

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Jan 17

Weird WordPress problem: Wp-admin redirects to localhost

Have you experienced this weird problem? It most probably occurs when you develop your wordpress blog in your local server and upload the blog to your Internet web server. I too faced this problem when I uploaded my blog to my Internet server. Here’s how I got around it.

To rectify this problem in my way ( 😉 ) you need access to the database which is used by your blog. I used phpMyAdmin to access the database of the blog. You can use any other tool you like. You need to edit an entry in a table of the database to rectify the problem.

First access the database and go to the table named wp_options ( sometimes this could be named as options too). There , you will find an entry named siteurl . You will see that this entry has the value( option_value) http://localhost/yourWpFolder . You need to edit this entry to your blogs URL. As an example, in my case I edited it as http://blog.ishans.info . After setting the value, click on Go and you’ll get a message saying the change was successfully done. Now you’ll see that “http://mySite.xxx/wp-admin” address is working.

But it’s not over yet. You need to set another setting in wordpress settings too. Log in as the Administrator to the wordpress dash board and go to Settings . In here you’ll see that the entry WordPress address (URL) is set to “http://mySite.xxx” , but the entry Site address (URL) is still http://localhost/yourWpFolder . So you need to set the Site address (URL) entry to “http://mySite.xxx” .

Thats it…!. Now save your settings and you’ll see that the whole site is working perfectly ( If it doesn’t have any other errors of course 😉 )…..! 😀

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Jan 12


Life is all about setting goals. We set goals and we try to achieve them. We gain pleasure when we achieve these goals and we feel misery when we fail to achieve them. If we analyze more deeply, we understand that goals are the things that drives our life.

These goals doesn’t need to be huge achievements like landing on Mars. They could be as simple as getting home before the rain falls. Though as simple as they seem , these goals are the carriers that took us to the place where we are now. As an example, one of my goals in these days was starting my own English blog. And here I am happily writing this article after successfully achieving it.

But out of all the goals that we set in our lives, how many goals are related to serving someone else? Serving someone else, helping someone is not hard as it sounds. After all , the whole world is becoming a large community and doing simple helps to each others will certainly aid the expansion of that community. As Mark Twain once said,

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

It’s time for us to do something for our country, for the world that will be memorable for us in the future and which will give us that mental relief ( rather than being soaked in misery in 20 years).

So, I start this blog in the purpose of serving others and sharing my knowledge. As the blog’s title implies, this blog includes my way of doing things( be it technology related or regular life).  It will include guidelines on the path that I’ve chosen. I don’t say it is the best path or it is always the correct path. It’s just the path that I took and I feel that it’s the path of a “Potential Geek”.

Welcome to the journey of being a geek, Traveler…!

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