How to check whether mod_rewrite is installed?
Create a text file named check.php in the www folder and insert the following code to it.
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Then go to the web page in your browser using the url “localhost/check.php”. Then you’ll see information about the php version of the system. Under the “Configuration” title there’s another title called “apache2handler”. In that table there’ll be a entry named “Loaded Modules”. Check to see if it contains the name “mod_rewrite “.If you can see that name then mod_rewrite is installed to apache.
If mod_rewrite is not installed?
mod_rewrite can be installed using the “sudo a2enmod rewrite” command in the terminal.
How to check whether mod_rewrite is working properly?
A good tutorial on this can be found in
mod_rewrite is not working even though it is installed?
Navigate to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled as root and open the text file “000-default”. Then replace all the “AllowOverride None” with “AllowOverride All”( There’ll be 3 entries ). Then restart apache using sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart .
This should solve the problems.
This was useful. Thanx…
Thank you… really nice ….